Thank you for your interest in TECHSPO Technology Expos. Please note the following timelines before filling out the form.
We are looking for qualified speakers all year round. If you specifically wish to speak at an upcoming TECHSPO Technology Expo session topic ideas must be submitted no later than 90 days prior to the Event.
Submissions past the above timeline may be considered for future TECHSPO Technology Expos.
Due to overwhelming demand, most speaking spots for upcoming TECHSPO Technology Expos have been filled. The ONLY remaining speaking opportunities must be combined with a Sponsorship. Please do not submit a Speaker Submission unless you are interested in Sponsoring your Keynote Presentation.
To be considered for a speaking spot, please review TECHSPO Speaker Submission FAQ’s and Speaker Guidelines and fill out the form below.
Field marked with * are required. Phone and email will not be disclosed to the public.
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