Get Your Virtual Pass to TECHSPO San Diego 2025

Is traveling to attend TECHSPO San Diego 2025 just not an option for you this year?
What if you could catch ALL the conference sessions at your convenience—without any travel expenses or the need to replicate yourself? The good news is now you can!
We’re happy to announce the Virtual Pass to TECHSPO San Diego 2025!
For a fraction of the cost of a regular conference pass, you’ll get full access to the recording of EVERY keynote session. Yes, every keynote, all the panels and each great session—the ones people travel thousands of miles to see—will be at your fingertips. The sessions will include video, audio and slide capture for the sessions.
With your Virtual Pass, you’ll have access to online recordings of everything accessible for one year for anyone who purchases it. You can watch playbacks from your computer, tablet or smartphone at your leisure.
A Virtual Pass can be purchased as a stand-alone, though we recommend attending the main event as well to take advantage of networking, live presentations and Q&A.